Meet BC Brain Wellness Participant Roberta Beiser

by Ailsa Sirois

At the BC Brain Wellness Program’s World Brain Day Virtual Celebration, Roberta Beiser (pictured) announced that she will match funds raised for the Summer Brain Wellness Challenge up to $25,000!

Roberta was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease five and a half years ago. The diagnosis was a big surprise for her, and in many ways, it was also a wakeup call. She made a decision then and there that she was going to be proactive about taking care of her brain health. 

Shortly after her diagnosis, Roberta met Dr. Silke Cresswell and learned about her work. She was impressed with her involvement and design of the BC Brain Wellness Program and especially enjoyed the focus on research. Roberta felt as though Dr. Cresswell’s dynamism and commitment “spoke” to her.

When Roberta’s friend told her about Physiotherapist Sally Stelling’s exercise classes offered by the Brain Wellness Program, she added them to her pre-existing exercise routine. Since then, she has started attending lectures and other activities offered by the Program including Improv.

“Improv is one activity I have just loved, and this Program gives you an opportunity to try something new without feeling judged,” says Roberta. “The exercise classes are also easy to understand and to participate in and offer a lot of variety which I enjoy.”

When Roberta heard about the Summer Brain Wellness Challenge, she jumped at the opportunity to participate. 

“The first week has gone pretty well,” she says. “Exercise is easy for me, whereas the creativity category is a bit of a challenge, but I am making bread. Staying connected is a great addition because it is so important to keep in touch with friends and since starting the challenge I have been in touch with people that I haven’t talked to in a long time.”

All money fundraised through the Summer Challenge goes to support the BC Brain Wellness Program so that classes can continue being offered free of charge. Roberta had been looking for something to support financially for a while and knew this was a good fit since she’s experienced first-hand the benefits of the Program.

If you have not yet joined the challenge or participated in the Brain Wellness Program, here are some thoughts from Roberta:

The program is extremely approachable and valuable for everyone, no matter what stage you are at. It is very social, fun and it’s easy to get involved. There are a lot of different aspects of the program, including art, singing, book club and more.”

 “I would strongly encourage everyone to get involved and participate as much as you can! There are so many benefits: being energized, in touch with friends, opportunities to try new activities. I sincerely hope that matching donations will really provide incentive to participate and contribute financially if you can.”

Roberta was born in Vancouver and is trained in psychology. She has worked for her family business most of her life and moved back to Vancouver in 1975 after living in the US and Paris for many years. She has three sons and four grandchildren. Roberta founded the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s Art Collection in 1999. Thanks to this program you can find art installations across VCH campuses including VGH, UBC Hospital and the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health.

We are so grateful for Roberta’s generosity and support of the BC Brain Wellness Program.

Have you signed up for the Summer Brain Wellness Challenge yet? Visit for more information or to donate.


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