Get Started
It’s time to get started.
Step 1
Review Our Class List
Explore our classes and find the ones that fit your schedule and interests.
Please note that the BC Brain Wellness Program’s classes are intended for residents of British Columbia only.
Step 2
Book Safety Screening Appointment
For your safety, this is needed to participate in all Exercise and Yoga Classes and must be completed prior to your first class. If your condition has changed since your initial Safety Screening, we recommend that you book another appointment. This is not needed for Creative Classes.
*Please note it may take up to 8 weeks to schedule an exercise assessment as we’ve had a recent influx of new participants joining the program. We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you for your patience as we work on solutions to expedite this process
Step 3
Register for an Account and a Class
Create an account and then you can register for classes, check on class information and manage classes for yourself and family members, including cancelling, and joining classes.
Helpful Hints
Registration Video
Watch this video for help on setting up your account, booking a Safety Screening appointment, registering for classes and much more.
Attending class
Classes are offered online through Zoom. Please log on to the class a few minutes before the class starts. Ensure you are attending the class in a location that is safe and provides sufficient space for the classes’ activities.
If a class is full, you can register to go on a waitlist. All participants on the waitlist will be informed via email if a space becomes available and will have equal opportunity to register for that spot. We do this to ensure that all classes are filled. We recommend that if you receive a waitlist notification, don’t delay in registering for that class.
Cancelling classes
We have high demand for our classes so if you are unable to make a class, please cancel so we may offer that spot to someone on our waitlist. To cancel a class, log into your account and click on “View Profile” under your name, then “details” for the desired class. To cancel the class, select “cancel”. Upon successful cancellation, you will receive a confirmation email that you are no longer registered for the class.
Program Videos
For additional resources or if you are unable to attend live, virtual classes, we have class recordings on our program videos page.