Did you know the BCBWP is entirely donor funded?
The BC Brain Wellness Program does not receive any operational funding from the government. Our ability to provide our program is thanks to the generosity of private donations.
From your feedback, we know that the program is having a positive impact. To ensure this can continue, on April 5, 2023, we launched our annual Fundraising Campaign, with a goal to raise $500,000 in 12 months toward our daily operating costs. This date coincided with UBC Giving Day and gave us the perfect momentum to jumpstart our campaign. Thank you to all of you who helped us raise over $50,000 for the BCBWP - a new record.
We can’t stop now and you can make a difference. The ongoing delivery of our classes and educational events would not be possible without the support of our donors like you.
If you have enjoyed one of our classes and events, or you simply believe in our mission to change the way British Columbians live, age, and care for chronic brain conditions – we ask that you consider making a donation. We have heard from so many participants, who have shared their amazing stories and experiences due to the program. We know it is working. Now we need to ensure that we can continue to provide this service and to reach many more people.
Every donation makes an impact.
A gift of $100 = 1 class for over 30 participants
A gift of $1,000 = 1 care partner workshop for 4 weeks
A gift of $5,000 = 1 UBC student work opportunity to support program operations
A gift of $10,000 = 1 yearlong exercise or creative/expressive class
Note: As a cost saving measure, and to ensure that your donations go directly to our program, UBC Faculty of Medicine and the VGH/UBC Hospital Foundation support the program by collecting donation on our behalf. Rest assured your donations do not go to general funds at UBC or VGH but go directly to our operating accounts. Tax receipts will be issued from either the UBC Development and Alumni Engagement or the UBC/VGH Hospital Foundation depending on which site you chose to donate through. Tax receipts will be provided for all donations.
All donations made through these channels will go directly to the program. Please contact us if you have any questions and thank you for your support.
Martha Nelson
Development Officer, UBC Faculty of Medicine
John Andru
Director, Campaigns, VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation
604-875-5193 or 778-834-1082