Summer Brain Wellness Challenge…Success!

Our Wellness Wednesday talk on Sept 9/20 brought the Summer Brain Wellness Challenge to a close.  An event that raised over $10,000 as part of a larger $25,000 matching donation also raised awareness for the BC Brain Wellness Program and the importance of brain health activities. Participants engaged in 6 categories of brain wellness (Keep Moving, Eat Healthy, Learn something new, Practice being mindful, Stay Connected and Be Creative) for 6 weeks during the summer. We heard of new recipes being cooked, adventurous hikes and bikes, creating beautiful masks and time spent in nature. Names were drawn from the challenge trackers sent in and we congratulate Sarah Hamilton, Deirdre Webster, Jillian Robertson and Ruth Major for their participation and hope they enjoy the gift bag of healthy minded items courtesy of the VGH UBC Foundation.

Just because the challenge officially ended, don’t stop now! Keep going with the good habits you created over the summer! And if you did not get a chance to participate, start your own challenge…we would love to hear what you are doing to stay well!

The BC Brain Wellness Program Team


Fall Reading List


A Personal Story of Yoga