Artful Living
The first half of each Artful Living class is for Show and Tell. It's accountability time for each class member to share briefly what they chose to do during the week from the list of proposed homework items from the week before that boosts brain wellness and fosters creativity. Show and Tell is such a fun time to learn about new things, new resources and a time to celebrate creativity with one another.
The other half of the class we dive deeply into the life of the artist we’re learning about that term. We learn about their lives, the people they loved, the historical world in which they lived, and about what inspired and influenced their art. There is always great conversation and discussion about things that are interesting, meaningful and important. Most of all, Artful Living invites each of us to Connect, get Creative and Curious!
Date: Fridays weekly
Time: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Location: Online (a link and instructions will be provided)
Instructor: Jean Ward (
Note: if you are a looking for a class that involves creating art pieces, see Art from the Heart.