January Creator of the Month: Jeannene Christie

Jeannene Christie has pursued two careers: she was a registered massage therapist and also worked with people with disabilities, especially those with autism. She was diagnosed with myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), and her symptoms worsened with age. Her encounter with her chronic illness began in her 30s while she was taking a training course for working with autistic individuals. 

During her lowest point, the illness affected not only her physical abilities but also weighed heavily on her with depression. It was during this time that art impacted Jeannene’s life. An art therapist introduced her to the therapeutic aspect of art, which provided hope and helped her dispel the dark cloud of depression. 

Expressing herself through creating memes and reels on Instagram is Jeannene's chosen art form because they demand less time and energy. As she describes it, ME/CFS is an energy crisis, which requires her to have careful energy management. Engaging in traditional art, like using paintbrushes and canvases for extended periods, wouldn't efficiently use her limited energy. Making memes and reels allows her to capture her creative thoughts with minimal energy expenditure and professional art knowledge, while cooperating her art with other important aspects of her life that bring her hope, such as her religious beliefs.  

A theme Jeannene is recently exploring is internal family systems, which is a psychological approach to how we understand ourselves. It talks about how we have parts within ourselves that have different opinions. Jeannene’s recent posts on Instagram showcases her art illustrating this approach which helps finds balance and harmony within herself.  

Additionally, Jeannene practices photography. A simple walk around her block requires a significant level of energy for her. During these walks, she uses photography to capture the little things she is grateful for, like rocks and leaves. It helps her focus on and appreciate the details of nature which she finds truly beautiful.  

Jeannene and two other ladies who also deal with chronic pain started a charity together called Prayer Hands Ministry. They focus on building a community for people, disabled and able-bodied, who support one another, through ways that are small but powerful, for example through prayers.  

For those who are not professionally trained in art like Jeannene and are hesitant to start, she suggests using resources like an online picture bank to experiment with creating collages.  

“Playing with online resources to create something like a collage is an easy way to get creative thoughts down but still have room for choices and creativity.”  – Jeannene 

Check out Jeannene’s website and social media: 
Website: https://www.jeannenechristie.com/ 
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jamc0808/  
Youtube (videos and shorts): https://www.youtube.com/@Jeannene2009  


February Creator of the Month: Kerstin Luettich


December Creator of the Month: Victoria Marie