Join us with Dr. Lara Boyd as she will provide an overview of the impact of music on the brain! She will then summarize recent research assessing the impact of Opera on brain function and cognition.
Dr. Lara Boyd
Dr. Lara Boyd is a Physical Therapist and Neuroscientist at the University of British Columbia where she is a professor and Wall Scholar. She is an expert in the neurobiology of learning and uses advanced brain imaging approaches to look into the brain. Dr. Boyd’s research is centered on understanding how behaviour shapes learning, unlearning and relearning. She has published more than 180 scientific papers and her TEDx talk “After this your brain will not be the same” has over 30 million views.
Anja-Xiaoxing Cui, PhD
Anja-Xiaoxing Cui, PhD is an assistant professor at the Department of Musicology at the University of Vienna. After completing a PhD in Psychology at Queen‘s University with Dr. Lola Cuddy, she joined the Peter Wall Opera Project as a SSHRC postdoctoral fellow, working with Nancy Hermiston, Dr. Janet Werker, and Dr. Lara Boyd. Her research interest is in the perception and cognition of music, particularly as it intersects with the perception and cognition of language, and their neural signatures.