Sandy Kerry

Instructor - Relax and Heal the Body, Mind and Spirit with Ancient Medical Qigong Principles.

Sandy is a Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac.), Medical Qigong (MMQ) and Tuina Therapist. She completed the Acupuncture Program at Vancouver Career College in Burnaby (formerly PCU College of Holistic Medicine), Medical Qigong certification through Empty Mountain Institute and Tuina therapy program (which includes cupping, moxibustion and guasha) with the International College of TCM (ICTCM) (now known as the Tzu Chi International College of TCM). She has also completed numerous light body, channeling and mediumship courses and is an ordained Daoist Priest, 82nd generation highest purity sect and 66th generation celestial masters sect, a disciple of dragon heart temple.


Sandy has taught medical qigong in independent care facilities and community centres as well as one on one to her clients in person and via zoom. Her journey with medical qigong began in 2013 when she began learning through the Empty Mountain Institute and the International College of Medical Qigong. She was guided to begin this journey after suffering from tendonitis in approximately 2000 and was treated with acupuncture and qigong energy and the pain had completely disappeared after 3 days with only the one treatment.