November is National Family Caregivers Month

By Elaine Books

The caregiver role can be many things…it can be unexpected, it can be unwanted, it can be all consuming, it can be rewarding. Surviving and possibly thriving as a care partner also depends on many things including good communication with those in your bubble being essential. ‘Care to talk?’ cards encourage conversations about the impact of caregiving with a goal to acknowledge related emotions, address current difficult issues and future planning concerns.  Some questions include:

  • How has your life changed since your loved one was diagnosed? 

  • How do you currently express the feelings and emotions that come with caring for a loved one? 

  • What concerns do you have about the future?

  • What community resources do you utilize to manage you and your loved one’s needs? 

More information on “Care to talk?” card can be found at

November is National Family Caregivers Month! It is a time to honor the millions of caregivers/care partners around the world who provide care to aging parents, ill spouses or other loved ones who are living life with a health condition. 

Imagine the sounds of thousands of hands clapping and the warmth of arms embracing you for all you do!



A Poem to honour caregivers


Finding Your Voice…