The Anniversary Effect…Living through the pandemic

“I can’t believe it has been a year!”  

 “Where has the time gone?”

“I remember what I was doing when our city shut down.”

“I did not think it would last this long.”

As we approach the year marker of the pandemic really reaching our lives, these are some of the comments we hear people saying in the grocery store line up, on zoom calls and around the kitchen table.

 The Anniversary Effect, sometimes called the Anniversary Reaction, refers to feelings or thoughts or memories that occur on the anniversary of significant experiences. It can look different for everyone, but no one will escape changes both good and bad that covid-19 has brought. There have been new ways of living life with adaptations at work, in celebrating holidays and occasions and certainly with day to day socializing. The past year has seen lives lost, babies born, weddings postponed and gatherings adjusted…all happening in a way that has been very different from ever before.

 So how do we address the various feelings that may be surfacing? Here are some ideas:

  • Limit your exposure to media coverage that may have distressing content and focus on the news bringing uplifting and hopeful messages.

  • Identify and express your feelings and memories both sadness for losses as well as the covid silver linings. Talk with a friend or family member, journal or find other creative ways to express your experience.

  • Practice self-care and self-compassion as you navigate these trying times.

  • Connect with others who may be able to support you…remember you do not have to do this alone. 

As we continue to navigate life in the pandemic, remember “we cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails”  


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