10 tips for Seasonal Self Care

  1. Embrace that which will look different this year….consider that something new may be better than what was in past years

  2. Remember the basics of healthy food, exercise and sleep

  3. Set realistic expectations….if your plan is less than 7 out of 10 on the “do-able” scale, revise the plan

  4. Make a list of what you can let go of….expectations? tasks? responsibilities ? sources of stress? Saying “NO” to others and obligations is saying “YES” to yourself

  5. Create a list of stress relievers and build those into your day …a walk, a phone call with a friend, listening to music

  6. Look for gifts in nature around you. This might be a bird perched at a bird feeder, snow capped mountains, or a tree holding on to a few fall leaves. Capture a mindful moment.

  7. Try reduce time spent with challenging family members/friends and focus more time on what is important to you.

  8. Give yourself permission to follow #1- #8!  Self-care is not selfish!

  9. Think about what can you do or who can help if you are struggling emotionally


  10. It is a season of good deeds and giving to others. In Jewish culture, it is called a Mitzvah. In Islamic culture, it is Fard. In Buddahism, it is Dharma. In Chinese culture, it is Tao. Consider doing a good deed for yourself….practice self-kindness. Find a small simple joy in every day (cup of tea, a Netflix show, chocolate!) and savour it.  Share your self-care good deeds in the comments….it might give others the permission, courage and ideas to do the same!


Fight the Winter Blues


A Poem to honour caregivers