Fight the Winter Blues

As we approach the holiday season (one that will look very different from any other!), we need to keep active, moving and healthy! With shorter and darker days, you may feel more tired and less motivated. Regular physical activity has been proven to help fight the winter blues. There is strong evidence that physical activity and exercise reduce the risk of disease, help to manage existing conditions, and develop and maintain physical and mental function. 

Throughout the holidays, we would like to encourage all BWP participants to keep up the healthy routines you have already established. In addition to those, here are some ideas to keep you moving:

  1. Participate in the pre-recorded group exercise classes. Click HERE for the videos.

  2. Take stretch breaks in between long hours behind the screen. Try to limit screen time and sitting time to no more that 1 hour of continuous sitting. Stand up and move, even if only for a few minutes - give your eyes and your body a break!

  3. Schedule in time with nature and explore local parks at

  4. Try to creatively keep up your daily step count, whether that is in your living room, taking a walk in your house or if able walking in your building or community.

  5. Participation Canada has several resources to assist you in keeping active:

  6. If walking outside ensure that you layer up, wear good supportive footwear and be cautious in incremental weather. Stay safe this winter!

  7. Move to the beat with this workout music playlist

We want to encourage you to keep moving over the break, to stay healthy and be prepared to start up again in 2021.  

Our winter program will be starting on January 11th 2021. We will be offering several new programs, including “Exercise Foundations” with a focus on technique and motor control as well as “Afternoon Unwind Yoga” mindful yoga focused on unwinding at the end of the day.


Take care of yourself by taking care of someone else


10 tips for Seasonal Self Care